S'up. I haven't posted on here for a looooonnng time. Sorry loves. Um, I've been a little distracted....
I have also been to NYC which was dope- there was a hurricane when I was there! Bit of a non-happening it was tho. Picked up some rad small press and indie stuff whilst there such as'Gutter'( now discontinued)'Crickets' by S. Harkham ( I think); 'Captcha 2' which had great low fi drawings (www.funkyjewels.com);'My Best Pet/Feeble-Minded Funnies' a raw double sided book and some nice soft porn comics like 'Tecopa Jane' -mollykeilly.com.
Will be in this publication come Halloween http://www.nyxnoctournal.com/home.htm; will also probably be blogging for http://www.laydeezdocomics.com/ one week this month will letcha know when. Am starting volunteering for a charity and will be running my own art workshops for kids soon if i can find my bloody CRB. Got plugged by Josie Long on Twitter too XD
I'm trying to get back into painting, feels like a weak muscle Also working on a 'Polly' book. Polly is a character I invented in secondary school. Lucky Polly gets to go to art school in this. Nnnyays.Done the odd other strips as well but they haven't been developed and given out for public consumption. I had bets on to do stuff.
So I'll put up some art soon, I don't have a lot of it here right now. Meanwhile here are some works in process- Frankenstein's monster dress up dolls of Nicki Minaj and Rihanna.