This will be featured in a book of writing by Ian Morgan which will be available to buy at 'Made' in Tunbridge Wells in, ooh, about 3 weeks... I will also be selling day 3 ( and possibly 4 )of 'Day One' written by Clare Lowe, drawn by moi. And... a smidgen of work all written and drawn and coloured and smudged and printed and sat on by myself. At the moment I have a half formulated story called 'B-Bird' and a few odd pictures and such.If you have any wisdom on the enchantment of girls by birds, or about blackbirds and magpies in general, don't hesitate to bore yourself and me to death by passing on the indispensable information.
It'll probably end up in a mini comic mish mash. Just let me know if you can't make it to the event but want a copy of anything, - more material to come.
Oh, and my lovely friend Bathsheba and her sister Bella will have something to sell also. Max and Johnson will be there flogging some shiny wares no doubt, and as it's near my hometown, loadsa suckas I haven't seen for ages. Well, one at least ( hi Sarah). And the usual comix crowd no doubt. And the Pope.